KOLORANO project: Managing & Preserving the water resources of a catchment area

Key words
  • The Kolorano project implemented by the NGO Agrisud International, since March 2016, in technical partnership with the NGO Nitidae carries out an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach on the watersheds in the Haute Matsiatra Region. It is part of the Eaurizon Program, carried out within the framework of cooperation between the Haute-Matsiatra Region and the Metropolis of Greater Lyon. This project makes it possible to anticipate potential future water use conflicts, by fully associating water security and food security so as not to compromise the investments made in drinking water supply by Eaurizon. The actions consist of the protection of water sources upstream (development works and tree planting) and improving the development of the use of water downstream, while involving local actors (Region, Municipalities, JIRAMA , water users).

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