Association Intercooperation Madagascar

Lot III L 72 Rue Alidy Ampanjaka Soanierana
Main intervention theme
Secondary intervention theme
Country of intervention
Key words
  • Created in September 2004, AIM is a non-governmental organization. It ensures the direct implementation of development projects and programs in Madagascar. AIM can also assume the role of fund manager. AIM operates mainly in the following areas: - Governance - Sustainable management of natural resources - Food security - Community health - Local economy AIM aspires to "A fair and just world, in which all women and all men, young and old, have the right and the means to lead their lives in dignity and security". AIM's mission is to act collectively to participate in rural and urban development, in order to contribute to reducing poverty and improving the living conditions of populations.

  • Post Title
    Fondation Tany Meva

    Tany Meva est une fondation environnementale reconnue d’utilité publique créée en janvier 1996. Son siège est à Antananarivo (Madagascar) et elle dispose d’une antenne à Tuléar, dans le Sud de Madagascar. APPROCHE GLOBALE Selon le Plan Stratégique 5, la Fondation Tany Meva renforce la collaboration avec les Partenaires d’Appui, qui servent de relais entre la Fondation et les communautés de base afin de concrétiser sa vision de gérer durablement les ressources naturelles avec l’engagement actif les communautés locales.

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