Period: 2020 - 2023
Pays d'intervention
Elément(s) de l’agroécologie selon la FAO
Objectifs développement durable
Key words
  • During the previous program, improvements in the policy and legal framework were made. PAGE 2 currently aims to operationalize the tools and instruments resulting from this framework, with the regions. This is how themes such as the development of value chains, the development of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity, the sustainable management of natural resources as well as adaptation to climate change, capacity building of state actors and value chain actors and the fight against corruption are implemented in the DIANA and Boeny regions, with a view to good environmental governance. In its areas of intervention, PAGE 2 supports state technical services, decentralized communities, farmers' groups, local communities, civil society organizations and collaborates with the private sector.

  • - Strengthening the technical capacities of actors in the selected value chains, including advice and support to actors in the wood sector such as the management of forest plantations, the marketing and certification of charcoal and the improvement of processing as well as the advice to actors in non-timber sectors such as access to new markets, access to improved seeds, processing techniques.

    - Improving the administrative and technical framework such as advice and support to regional services at the technical, institutional and financial levels in order to strengthen the presence of state services at the decentralized level.

    - Capacity building of State technical services in the management of natural resources and selected value chains such as advice and support to agricultural and forestry technical structures in the two regions for the exercise of their missions; as well as technical services and municipalities in the fight against corruption at the regional level through the establishment of appeal mechanisms.

  • 1) 6% (approximately 7,600 t) of wood-energy consumed in the urban perimeters of the DIANA and Boeny regions (out of a total of 127,000 t) come from sustainable and legal production sources (plantations, sustainably managed forests);

    2) 5,800 households increase their family income through the contribution of value chains supported by the program;

    3) 75% of value chain actors and development actors believe that their business environment is improving for a sustainable and climate change-resilient development of natural resources at the municipal level.

  • Project Name
    Program for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources (PAGE2)

    In the Boeny and DIANA regions, the program is committed to improving the sustainable use of natural resources in the periphery of protected areas.

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