AFAFI Center

  • Funded by the European Commission, the AFAFI-Centre program aims to develop the Analamanga and Itasy regions, which constitute a strategic agricultural area and the main production basin that supplies the capital and the country's major markets with fresh agricultural products, making it possible to ensure relative stability of supply locally and nationally. These regions are experiencing significant land insecurity and pressure due to the rapid expansion of the Antananarivo Agglomeration and related speculative phenomena which are to the detriment of the most vulnerable.

  • General objective : Sustainably improve the incomes of rural households and their food and nutritional security, in particular that of women and children, with a view to preserving the natural environment in the peri-urban area of Antananarivo.

    Specific objectives :

    1. Intensify and diversify in a sustainable and inclusive way the production of target sectors.
    2. Strengthen the marketing of products respecting agro-ecological, quality and hygiene standards, including nutrient-rich food products.
    3. Securing long-term investments in the agricultural and wood-energy sectors.

    1. The production and quality of the target sectors (milk, market gardening, poultry farming and arboriculture, rice-fish farming and fuelwood) are sustainably increased.
    2. Nutritional actions are promoted.
    3. A value chain approach is developed around the promotion of labeled products and improved market access.
    4. Territorial governance of municipalities is strengthened and land tenure security for producers improved

  • Post Title
    Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development

    CIRAD is the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.

    Post Title
    Conseil Expérimentation Formation en Fruits et Légumes

    Ceffel, une organisation professionnelle, de référence en fruits et légumes, engagée pour le progrès économique et la protection de l’environnement de Madagascar

    Post Title
    Participation à la gestion de l’environnement

    L’association Participation à la gestion de l’environnement (association PARTAGE) est une organisation non gouvernementale spécialisée dans l’appui à la gestion des ressources naturelles renouvelables par les communautés locales

  • Project Name
    AFAFI Centre: DIABE


    Project Name
    Atlas des réalisations d'AFAFI-CENTRE campagne 2022-2023

    c'est un synthèse des réalisations des diverses projets appuyés par AFAFI_CENTRE à Madagascar avec des succes stores

    Project Name
    Atlas N°1 du Programme AFAFI-Centre

    Atlas de présentation des principales réalisations du Programme AFAFI-Centre pour les campagnes 1 et 2 (2020 à 2022)

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